Technische Universität Dortmund (TU Dortmund)

The group at TU-Do has gathered years of experience in the field of simulation techniques for differential equations. Based on the FEM packages FEAT and FEAST the Navier-Stokes solvers FEATFLOW and FEASTFLOW have been developed which utilise highly efficient (parallelised) Multigrid-/Domain decomposition methods. Moreover, adaptive methods for error control and mesh adaptivity can be combined. Besides the mentioned techniques based on Finite Elements or Finite Differences, the group became active in the field of Lattice-Boltzmann in the recent past. A major goal is to achieve an enhanced utilisation of the resources of modern computers by the aid of “hardware orientated numerics”. For SKALB, modern discretisation and solution techniques (in space and time) which originally arose from the “FEM world”, will be transferred into the “LB world”.

Within SKALB the group will primarily be engaged in:

The research group of Prof. Yahyapour (ITMC) works mainly in the field “Domain decomposition and dynamic load balancing”. The main focus is on the development of an adaptive process plan in the context of Multi-Core and future Many-Core processors with non-uniform RAM hierarchies and heterogeneous architectures. In detail these are descriptive modells, static load balancing, dynamic load balancing and scheduling on the thread level.