The SKALB project (Lattice-Boltzmann methods for scalable
multiphysics applications) aims at efficiently implementing
and the development of Lattice-Boltzmann based CFD solvers for
the simulation of complex multiphysics applications on petascale
class computers. The project partners are scientists from the
universities of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Dortmund, Stuttgart and
Braunschweig, additionally IANUS Simulation GmbH is an industrial
partner. SKALB is supported by numerous industrial partners from
Germany and abroad.
Apart from specific issues concerning CFD solvers, SKALB also
deals with interdisciplinary of petascale computing topics. As
an example the following two topics are relevant in this context:
SKALB is third-party funded within the BMBF initiative "HPC software for scalable parallel computers " with a budget of 1,8 Mio EUR for the years 2009 to 2011.